How to apply for Receivable (Purchase Order or Invoice) Financing with Loop

You can have access to PO/Invoice Financing in about a week by completing the following steps:

  1. Register with Loop -
    1. Note: Please select “Without Credit” if you are applying for PO Financing.
  2. Link an external bank account.
    1. Instructions: How to connect your bank account to Loop
  3. Connect your CRA to Loop.
    1. Instructions: How to connect your CRA to Loop
  4. Email the following documents to
    • Master vendor agreement w/ your customer(s)
    • Purchase orders and/or invoices to be financed
    • Supplier invoices associated with orders above
    • Current year financial statements
    • Your CRA Business Number

How long does the process take?

The end-to-end process of applying to getting access to funds can take 1-2 weeks depending on the underwriting and due diligence complexity. In most instances, we are able to complete this process in less than 1 week.

For a refresher on Receivable Financing, pre-requisites and financing terms, please click here.