How to add additional addresses to your card

Have you ever been at the checkout page, card details entered, and then find out you can't process the transaction without a zip code? We've got you covered - you can add a U.S. address or additional Canadian address to your Loop Cards in one simple step.

To access this feature, go to the Cards page.

Then, click on the card you'd like to add or edit the address for.

In the pop-up window, open the tab called 'Supported Addresses'

Note: You must be either the cardholder or an Account Admin to edit the addresses of a card.

You can add one additional Canadian and US address to each of your Loop Cards giving you access to a local addresses complete with a postal or zip code:

Click on the address you'd like to add/edit.

That’s all it takes! You are now able to enter a local US or alternate Canadian address when purchasing with your Loop Card.

Happy purchasing!