Xero Accounting Integration

Whether it’s account, card, or payment activity all your transaction data is pushed to your Xero account. Gone are the days of manually inputting each transaction, wasting valuable time that could be better spent on growing your business. 

With Loop’s new Xero integration, you can easily push your Loop transactions, ensuring accurate and up-to-date records.

Digital Paper Trails and Mapping

Setting up your Loop integration allows you to more accurately categorize your transactions and keep a digital paper trail for purchases. 

Pre-set your Asset, Liability, Expense and Asset account mapping in your Loop settings to ensure transactions automatically sync into the correct ledger accounts. Map each of your Loop currencies to a different Xero account to simplify complicated accounting conversion logic when banking globally with Loop.

Your receipts and notes linked to your Loop transactions, either through your dashboard or via our SMS capture feature, are also automatically sent to Xero and attached to the synced transaction.

Here’s How to Get Started

Go to Settings > Accounting Integrations > Select Connect to Xero

Connecting to Xero

Once you select “Connect to Xero” you will be redirected to sign in and connect your Xero account.

Expense Account Mapping

Once connected, click on the “Configure” button to configure the mappings from Loop to Xero. Map your Loop expense categories to your Xero expense accounts to allow your transactions to be automatically associated with the correct Xero expense accounts.

Customize account mappings so your transactions are pre-categorized when they sync to Xero.

Liability Account Mapping

Next, map each of your Loop currencies to a Xero liability account. You can create new Xero liability accounts for each of your card categories directly in the Loop settings. Please ensure that multi-currency support is enabled for your Xero integration to work properly.

Pushing Transactions to Xero

Once you have configured your Expense and Liability accounts you are all set to push Loop transactions into Xero.

Navigate to Transactions > Cards > and select Push Transactions to Xero in the top right

You may adjust the period, status or currency filters to easily select the transactions you would like to push to Xero.

Before pushing transactions in Xero you may manually change the expense category, tax code, and transaction dates. Once complete select Push to Xero and your Loop transactions will be automatically posted in Xero.

Additionally, any receipts that you have attached to Loop transactions will also automatically be attached in Xero.

Please note that transactions can only be pushed to Xero once.