How to upload receipts to a card transaction

There are two ways to upload receipts and have them attach to a transaction: Manual upload or SMS receipt matching.

Coming soon: Email receipt matching

Email receipt matching will allow for Loop Users to forward a receipt to a custom email, which will automatically match the digital receipt to the transaction in Loop. Keep your eyes peeled for this release!

Manual Upload

To upload a receipt manually, navigate to Transactions > Cards, and select the transaction you would like to upload a receipt to.

Once selected, the transaction details pane will appear, and you can drag and drop the file into the files section of the pane.

SMS Receipt Matching

Automatic receipt matching allows Loop to instantly attach receipts to your Loop Card Transactions, making it easier to track your expenses and stay organized. 

The best part is that when you sync your Loop data to your accounting software, the notes and receipts that are attached to the transaction are automatically uploaded to your accounting software!

To activate this feature, just follow the steps below:


Make sure your phone number in the Settings > Personal section is correct (you can update it if you need to).


Opt-in and Enable SMS Notifications

  • Go to Settings > Notifications.
  • Enable the SMS Notifications by checking the checkbox.

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You will begin to receive SMS notifications for transactions made using the cards that you are the cardholder of. Simply reply to the SMS with an image of your receipt

STEP 4 (DONE 🎉):

Your receipt it automatically attached to your transaction in Loop!

If our system is unable to automatically match a receipt due to readability issues, you can still use the image you submitted by selecting the receipt manually by using the "Select from unmatched receipts" button in the transaction details.

After uploading the receipt, you can view it in the transaction details.