How do I connect my Loop US Bank Account to PayPal?

In order to connect your Loop US Bank Account to PayPal, please follow the steps below:

  1. Retrieve your Loop US Bank details by going to your Loop Dashboard, clicking Accounts > USD Bank Account > Bank Details

  1. In PayPal, Go to Settings > Link New Bank Account
  2. In the search window, type in "Loop". Then click Enter your bank details when it does not appear

  1. Scroll down and click Link a U.S. bank instead

  1. Enter the banking information from your Loop US Bank Account Details
  2. PayPal will send two small deposits between $0.01 and $0.99 to your Loop USD Bank Account. It can take up to 3 business days for these funds to be sent.
  3. When the funds arrive, go back into your PayPal bank account settings and enter the exact amounts of the deposits where prompted.